When I had a feeling like he need a wake up call or maybe we its time for me to do an action for both of us, we had a few serious talks which we do not do normally. If we have no plans so we better do things on our own because we are not growing.
Do you really want this? Do you think this is still healthy? Blah blah, you know what I mean?
Moving on will be hard, so technically the cool off or break up thing was the wake up call, no break up happened. We talked about getting married, no date but it should be 2014. After that, no more discussions, so it’s like, WHEN and HOW. No plans yet?! How will it happen if we are not planning on it? So I just then let it go and try to wait a little longer, maybe he will open it up. Am I just the one who wanted it?! Oh come on!
And then one day, with no clues or idea or what so ever…
It was my birthday Jan 13, 2013. I didn’t plan anything special on that day; it was a no celebration birthday for me. I planned it like that because I wanted to have different kind of celebration every year. He told me he will meet me around late afternoon, so I said ok. Kaye on the other hand, (my bff) asked me if I’m okay visiting another bff Jhona for a girl talk. So I said yes. I am just at home, bumming waiting for Kaye to txt me so we can meet and go to Jhona's house. Hal on the other hand told me that he will be late and will just go to Jhona's place later to meet us. I am only expecting just a simple bonding time with him (maybe a movie marathon or a food trip) after we meet my girlfriends.
Then I was surprised.
Kaye blindfold me on our way to Jhona's house, I thought it was them who will surprise me because it’s my birthday. I am clueless. As soon as they removed the blindfold, I saw Hal's friends and they are also there. I do not know what to think, I still thought it’s because its my birthday. And these guys on mask danced in front of me, everybody was shouting and cheering. Then I have goose bumps, puzzled but clues were getting clearer. The shirt behind their jackets says WILL-YOU-MARRY and then Hal ( I know it’s him already ) walked, removed his jacket pick up the bouquet showing the ME print. I am speechless.
Because I know he is not the sweet type, I am really surprise he was able to convince and arrange a party like that for me. On my birthday, he proposed and our friends celebrated it with us. I learned from him that he was thinking about it few months before, the long wait was over, finally.
I let my parents watched the video after that day. They have no reactions but only commented “Kulang sa practice” Hahaha!